Corporate News
Technology and Innovation
Our Communities
InnoServ Group Strongly believes in the power of building community networks which facilitates bringing people together for learning, knowledge sharing, collaborating and networking. The group has invested heavily in setting up large multi-dimensional initiatives and have earned market attention and respect for its initiatives. The first community was launched by the group focussing on academia in 2014 and is now operating as a full-fledged networking platform known as ASMA. Having tested its model with ASMA which has grown as complete platform, the group then launched Healthcare focussed community initiative called ADMH in 2019. The group is committed to grow and build its community initiative further with launch of two more communities in 2020 – DigitalHR (a HR focussed community initiative) and SMX Network (the next generation network of global sales and marketing professionals).
A Global Community Platform for Academia
Adoption of Social Media in Academia (ASMA) is an online platform which helps higher education institutes and universities harness the power of digital and social media for growth. ASMA has gained lot of appreciation and accolades.
A Global Community Platform for Healthcare
Healthcare Industry is experiencing huge impact of Digital Innovation in every aspect. Healthcare professionals are evolving to use Digital Marketing for growing their patient acquisition and build trust.
A Global Community Platform for Sales and Marketeers
The SMX Network will emerge as one of the unique platforms for the enablement of the sales and marketing professionals. Many digital interventions are changing the way sales and marketing professionals performing their roles.
Keeping up with the HR game!