Bhavnish Lathia has been named the Chief of Customer Experience at Kotak Mahindra Bank. He will lead the bank’s customer experience department in his new position. In addition, he will be in charge of the consumer bank’s technology.
Bhavnish also referred to as Nish, is a seasoned professional with 25 years of expertise. He is renowned for utilizing technology as a disruptive function and for creating and growing high-performing teams.
He has a total of 25 years of experience, but he has spent 18 of those years at Amazon, where he has worked in every business function, including product management, e-commerce, marketing, engineering, and analytics, with a primary goal of improving the customer experience. Nish served as Chief Product Officer at Valo Health as well.
The bank will benefit from Nish’s keen attention to the needs of the client, intense curiosity, and depth of product, technology, and operations knowledge, according to Dipak Gupta, Joint Managing Director of Kotak Mahindra Bank.
“We anticipate Nish to lead a mission to revolutionize and develop leading-edge client experiences by using digital solutions spanning all customer touchpoints of the bank,” said Virat Diwanji, Group President – Consumer Banking, Kotak Mahindra Bank.