We lead, become leaders, then handle leadership positions to handle our team and to prosper. It is an action to be done, but we take it as a position, only to manage few people.
Leadership is a huge commitment not only to yourself but also to your team and organization. The role needs you to put in efforts in influencing, guiding, becoming a role model, leading by examples and much more. All these and many more help us to become leaders in a designated role. More than just these tags, as a leader I believe we need relationship management the most and understand the Emotional Quotient of your team. We can manage large teams but only if we inspire and generate a spark, passion, desire to constantly achieve more. The journey has to be together as a companion rather than an individual showing a path.
We as leaders need to understand the basic emotion and bonding required to make us true leaders within our own team. Leadership has many styles – we all know them, but no matter what leadership style you follow, always remember to take your people along in every decision you make. Constant, clear communication is the most important bonding factor. It is behaviour to be learnt and as you grow in the industry it becomes an automatic and unconscious act.
As we grow the ladder of success and knowledge, it becomes pertinent to unlock channels of development and growth for yourself and for your team members. Make plans of personal development to implement. As a leader, your words and energy make a huge impact on your teams and while you are in meetings.
Certain phrases at a powerful position make all the difference i.e. “I would love to hear”, “I appreciate your inputs”, “tell me more”. Also, pleasantries such as “thank you” and “sorry” help you to bond and generate good results from your team.
The most important thing we can do as leaders is to recognize that our tone can shift the energy in the room, whether we are conducting a physical meeting or online meeting. Remember whatever you say carries weight in the corporate world; choose wisely and show the best side of your leadership.
About the author
The author, Preeti Raina is a Senior HR Consultant / Soft Skill Behavioural Trainer and L&D Manager