Brijesh Gupta was today introduced as RattanIndia Power’s new managing director. Gupta has expertise working in India and internationally in the mining, commodities, steel, and renewable energy sectors. He has been in the industrial field for more than three decades.
Rajiv Rattan, chairman of the RattanIndia Group, says Brijesh will help scale up the company’s power business. Brijesh Gupta held executive positions before joining RattanIndia Group at Adani Enterprises, Essar Group, Welspun, and Atha Group. In addition to this, he has international expertise through his work in the United States, the Middle East, Iran, and the Indian Subcontinent.
With investments of Rs. 18,615 crores ($2.5 billion), RattanIndia Power is a private power generation firm with 2,700 MW of installed thermal power plants in Maharashtra, one each in Amravati and Nashik (1,350 MW per location). Over 2,400 acres, the power plants are dispersed. Famous funds like Goldman Sachs and VardePartners, based in the United States, have invested in the company.